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Security in Healthcare sector

The increasing incorporation of technology into the health field is leading to greater precision in healthcare; however, advancements in cybersecurity measures are still required. According to a 2016 report by IBM and the Ponemon Institute, the frequency of data breaches in the healthcare industry has been rising since 2010. These sorts of attacks are not only a threat to patients’ identity and finances, but they can also impede hospital operations and place the health and well-being of patients at risk.

Open issue under Healthcare industries

Personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI) are handled by almost every department in a hospital, in one or more health information systems. All healthcare providers use electronic health records (EHR), e-prescribing software, remote patient monitoring, and/or laboratory information systems and provide an e-payment facility. Which ultimately gives a bundle of data about a specific person to hackers.

Recent Cyber-Attacks

South-eastern Norway regional health authority (Norway)

In January 2018, South-East RHF announced that the PHI and records of nearly 2.9 million people(more than half of the population of Norway) had been compromised. It is suspected that a sophisticated criminal group from a foreign spy or state agency led the attack targeting both patient health data and the health service’s interaction with Norway’s armed forces. The vulnerability is thought to have come from the legacy system, Windows XP. While the organization had begun security measures to reduce the risks brought on by Windows XP along with a plan to phase it out, the attack took place before they could implement the security measures.

Lukaskrankenhaus Neuss (Germany)

In February 2016, employees encountered various error messages from a ransomware attack initiated through a social-engineering tactic. In response, the hospital took servers and computer systems offline to assess and cleanse infected systems. In the meantime, staff resorted to using pen, paper, and fax machines to continue their work but needed to postpone high-risk procedures. The hospital’s spokesperson predicted it would take a few months before their workflow was back to the status quo. There was no evidence that patient data were breached.

Hancock regional hospital (United States)

On January 11, 2018, Hancock Regional faced a ransomware attack by the malware SamSam.The attack targeted a server in their emergency IT backup system and spread through the electronic connection between the backup site, located miles from the main campus, and the server farm at the hospital. It was later discovered that the hackers had permanently corrupted components of the backup files from many systems, except the electronic medical record backup files. Investigators found that the attack was conducted using Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Protocol as an entry point into the server and that the hackers had compromised a hardware vendor’s administrative account to initiate the attack.

Framework for Security Establishment

Healthcare, like any other industry, must be prepared to deal with cyber threats. Furthermore, clinics and hospitals must repeatedly demonstrate that the devices, technologies, and methods they use pose no risk to patients. To accomplish this, healthcare institutions begin compiling their security with recognised standards and frameworks such as NIST or HITRUST. According to the HIMSS ‘Cybersecurity Survey’, the medical sector has five popular frameworks: NIST, HITRUST, CSC, ISO, and COBIT.

Security Framework

  • Implement Security training
  • Document security philosophy
  • Incident response plan
  • Application VAPT
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Compliance Management

  • Govt has come up with some regulations and standards to tackle security threats and avoid security breaches. Our team does the necessary assessment to ensure you are compliant with all of the security standards (NCSC, ACSC, FISMA etc).
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Advanced Threat Simulation

  • Red Team Assessment
  • Red Team vs Blue Team
  • Social Engineering
  • Phishing Campaign
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Continuous Threat Detection

  • Cloud Security Assessment
  • Code Review
  • Application VAPT
  • Network VAPT
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